Euro to Pounds Conversion
Convert Euros to Pounds
EUR to GBP Currency Converter
Historical chart & data for Euros to Pounds
How the exchange rate works
Think of the exchange rate as a euro to pounds translator. It shows how much cash you can earn by converting one currency to another. It describes the amount of a currency's against another currency. At the time of writing, the euro currency is about 0.87 pounds. For one euro, you'll receive £00.87.
You'll need to calculate to pay a little more once calculating broker fees.
How many pounds can I buy?
The pound sterling exchange rate depends on your currency converter provider. Most have maximum transaction limits when you convert EUR GBP, which range from as little as £1000 to £1,000,000. The majority of travel money providers will accept orders of up to £5000.
Generally you can order minimum quantities which can range between £5 and £10. Often these companies charge delivery additional costs for your shipment. Sometimes a bank can waive these charges when a customer wants to convert euros in larger amounts, but may offer worse exchange rates.
During a trip to Europe you will only be permitted to take up to 10,000 euro to a European country without declaration.
Buying Physical Cash
You can also check your local post office to see if they carry currency they may let you even sell pounds and buy euros.
1 Euro to British Pound Exchange Rate
Convert euro to pounds at the real EUR GBP exchange rate using Atlantic Money. For larger currency transfers, our costs beat the competition with a low flat fee of 3 euros, regardless of how much you send, up to 100,000. You’ll get the same rate if you convert 5000 euros in pounds. If you're looking for free transfers, your first EUR to GBP transfer is free.
GBP - British Pound Sterling
Our currencies ranking shows that the prevailing UK exchange rate in the UK are GBP to EUR. The currency codes of the United Kingdom are GBP. Its symbol is £.
EUR - Euro
We have compiled a list of the most popular euro currency pairs with EUR to GBP exchange rates. European union codes are issued as Euro. Its symbol is €.
Compare foreign currency prices for sending money abroad
High Street bank transfers are not necessarily competitive. The exchanges also use hidden charges to charge higher prices without you having known it. Unless there is some money involved then you will be asked to pay twice. Atlantic Money will never hide any fees in the exchange rate on any currency conversion.
The safe and easy way to exchange EUR GBP
The most competitive app to convert money is Atlantic Money based when it comes to transferring, spending or changing euros for pound sterling, at a fair exchange rate. Atlantic Money also offers transfers from the UK to USA, which is another top corridor. Compare with other providers to better understand which service's account will offer you the most conversion rates, and relevant currencies.